Python tricks

Being working on python for several years, here are some useful tricks and tools I’d like to share:

ipython notebook extension

Usage: several useful tools on top of ipython notebook

First, install the extension:

git clone
cd IPython-notebook-extensions
python install

then go to http://localhost:8888/nbextension/ to check which extension you’d like to use: demo1 personally, I like the sketchpad very much - by typing ctrl+B, a scratchpad will pop up, it’s a good place for checking current variables, quick plot or run a few lines of codes without insert a cell then delete it after use. A demo looks like this:

ssh tunneling

Usage: run computations on a server, while programming in a local interactively environment.

ssh to the server, run the notebook like this:

ipython notebook --no-browser --port=8889

then link a port locally to the server port.

ssh -N -f -L localhost:8888:localhost:8889

run bash scripts within python

Usage: execute shell scripts within python. Example: After running some algorithms, move the trained model to another server which requires additional credentials.

import subprocess"./", shell=True)


cmd = 'aws s3 cp ...'
exit_status = os.system(cmd)
if exit_status != 0:
    raise Exception("Failed to run %s" % cmd)